Since its inception in the year 2000, CHHAY HOK COMPUTER TRADING has grown steadily and enhanced its business through inspired innovations. We’re continually transforming into a dynamic, customer-driven, talent-powered company that focuses on enhancing our customers’ enjoyment of technology. Like many companies, we came from humble beginnings. We’ve been challenged significantly from time to time and we’ve learned, changed and grown from each of these challenges.

Today, CHHAY HOK COMPUTER TRADING operates two (2) branches of retail outlets with a commitment for growth and innovation. Our employees strive to provide customers around the nation with superior experiences by responding to their unique needs and aspirations. This commitment to growth and customers has driven strong, consistent earnings growth. Retail is a business that requires constant innovation, new ideas, news ways to delight our customers and new ways to work together. To meet the unique product and service needs of our customers, our stores and operating models are being transformed to shift our focus from product-centric to customer-centric approach – a move that poises CHHAY HOK to truly offer the entertainment and technology solutions that meet our customers’ end-to-end needs.



Based on the rapid growth of IT industries in both national and global economies, CHHAY HOK COMPUTER TRADING has set its goal to meet the right need of demanding home users, corporate users and government institutions in order to improve and strengthen the quality of IT sector.



CHHAY HOK COMPUTER TRADING has been striving to break the barriers of technology reaching people; our long term mission is to educate people to adopt new way of living with technology and computerization.  Everyone can enjoy life with technology and more quality.

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